Three Days to go.

January is almost done and for most of us that is a great thing. It is right after Christmas and is cold and dark. However, I can already notice the light is starting to return as it is lighter in the morning and evening.  I am counting down the days until it is camping season again.

I am busy in the studio, mugs are done as are butter bells and French butter crocks. Well done might be a bit ambitious. Some are bisque fired, some waiting for the first fire in the kiln and some are decorated and waiting to be glazed. Next are sippers, garlic keepers and sugar and cream sets. 

After my last market in December , April seemed far away but it is getting closer and there is still much work to complete in the studio. I did do some cleaning in the studio and found some work I made a few years ago. It is very interesting to see how my work has progressed both in terms of construction and surface techniques.  My students often are frustrated by their progress and I tell them to be patient as it is practice, practice and more practice. There are no short cuts and enjoy the journey.

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